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Warning: This project is incomplete so this page will contain information subject to change

A 3D Action Platformer where you control the AI of a robot tasked by their creator to be a better wizard than any human.

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Role: Sole developer

Engine: Unity

Platform: PC


Technomancy is a 3D action platformer where the player must shoot, dodge and navigate through their choice of levels to gain upgrades and prove to the world that robots can be as good at wizardry as any human. 

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Design Philosophy:

Originally being a personal attempt at making a 3rd person shooter roguelike in my spare time, Technomancy has been redesigned as an action platformer where the player experience is focused on learning enemy patterns, navigating levels and upgrading your robot.

The game is intended to be accessible to new players of both genres of platformer and action games, while featuring optional difficulty for those seeking a challenge.

Design Process:

In it's current stage of development, much work has been done to get the core mechanics of the game developed and finalised before setting sights on enemy and level design.

To begin with, much care has gone into the design of the player characters movement to keep them feeling natural and fluid to control. Features such as jumps not being consumed when falling of a ledge, being able to cancel a dive with a small controlled hop and the keeping of speed after a slide or dive, have been done to both allow room for newcomers to the platforming genre to recover from mistimed jumps or dives, while also allowing for experienced players to utilise these mechanics to achieve greater control of the character and improve their speed.

As well as this, the original shooting mechanics were going to be fully aimed by the player with a crosshair in the centre of the screen. After much playtesting and analysis into what I want the user experience to be, I ultimately decided to the leave this aiming style in as an option, but also include an auto-aim system that attacks the nearest player automatically, allowing for players to focus more on dodging in combat as opposed to aiming, allowing for more user quality of life and allowing users unexperienced with 3rd person aim controls to enjoy the game.

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